Sustainability underpins everything we do

Our approach

Our sustainability strategy is focused on four strategic pillars which are aligned with the 13 key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”) where we believe Savannah can have the biggest economic, environmental, social and governance impact to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Click on a pillar to find out more:

Material issues Important issues Topics to monitor Ambitions Aligned with UN SDGs
  • Socio-economic prosperity.
  • Local content and
    responsible procurement.
  • Community engagement
    and development. 
  • Tax transparency and contribution.
  • Lobbying and political donations.
  • Make a positive difference to the socio-economic development of our host countries.
  • Build strong and meaningful relationships with our local communities based on mutual trust and benefit.
  • Enhance value creation potential by championing the development of local content. 
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Material issues Important issues Topics to monitor Ambitions Aligned with UN SDGs
  • Security and human rights.
  • Health and safety.
  • Continually prioritise and improve upon the safety and security of our work environment.
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Material issues Important issues Topics to monitor Ambitions Aligned with UN SDGs
  • Workforce culture and engagement.
  • Training and development.
  • Equal opportunity.
  • Ethics and compliance.
  • Cultivate a winning and inclusive culture to position our employees and the business for success.
  • Recruit, develop and retain the best talent through our commitment to professional development.
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Material issues Important issues Topics to monitor Ambitions Aligned with UN SDGs
  • Climate change and the energy transition.
  • GHG emissions.
  • Biodiversity.
  • Waste management.
  • Local air quality.
  • Water management.
  • Decommissioning and restoration.
  • Deliver a cleaner performance by minimising our GHG emissions, and grow our Renewable Energy Division.
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Savannah’s latest materiality assessment

In line with best practice, we conducted a double materiality assessment in Q1 2024 to ensure we remain current on the sustainability issues which are relevant to Savannah and our stakeholders. This involved extensive consultations with internal and external stakeholders. In a double materiality assessment, each topic is evaluated from two perspectives:

  • The impact that a topic has on the value and successful running of a company, known as financial materiality; and
  • The impact that a company’s activities have on a broad range of stakeholders, known as impact materiality.

For our 2023 materiality assessment, we chose to broadly align our material issues with the topic categories from the GRI Sector Standard for Oil and Gas (GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021). This standard focuses on topics that are relevant to companies operating in the oil and gas industry. We carried out a stakeholder engagement exercise to determine impact materiality, comprising a survey and workshops with 46 selected employees who acted as proxies to represent the views of our five key stakeholder groups:

  • Employees;
  • Host countries and communities;
  • Government, regulators and local authorities;
  • Lenders; and
  • Customers, suppliers and partners. 

Additionally, we conducted a separate assessment of the views of our shareholders, whom we engaged with directly by means of surveys. The findings of the impact materiality assessment were discussed at a workshop with the senior executive team, which then provided its input on financial materiality from the Company’s perspective.        

The key outcomes of our latest materiality assessment are shown in the materiality matrix below:


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Our 2023 Sustainability Review

Reporting standards

While anchoring our strategy around the 13 most relevant UN SDGs to Savannah, we have chosen to integrate additional sustainability reporting and performance standards into our sustainability performance and reporting framework. These have been selected on the basis of those most relevant for our sector and of most importance to our stakeholders. As we continue to grow our footprint in Africa, we will continue to evaluate our approach and the evolving priorities of our stakeholders so that we are best positioned to contribute to the prosperity of our host nations and strengthen our capacity to succeed.

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Sustainability award nominations

Savannah was “Highly Commended” in the category of “Best Online CSR or ESG Report” at the recent 2023 Corporate & Financial Awards in November 2023 and was shortlisted at the UK 2023 IR Society’s Best Practice Awards in the category of ‘Best Communication of Sustainability’.

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EITI membership


Savannah is proud to be a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (“EITI”) in support of EITI’s mission to promote the open and accountable management of oil, gas and mineral resources.

Read more